"2024 Will Be My Year"

October 11th 2024

so like... it's funny. very often people say "[x] will be my year" as one year is coming to a close-- and then they get beat down by the next year hard within the first month. thankfully i did not say that shit in 2023! and quite honestly, this year has been awesome.

FOR THIS blog post since i kind of abandoned this site for a hot second (the entire year) i wanted to just... talk about the year? it's been pretty fun, so why not!

one must imagine sisyphus happier than a college student

i got into college for graphic design in 2019, right out of high school. and it was quite honestly a pretty shitty experience! especially since in 2020 certain worldwide calamity events made it even worse than i first expected, including it getting so bad that i quit college for a bit.

i only really returned to finish that whole deal in the second semester of 2023, and surprisingly (/s) now that i wasn't a freshly turned adult who was extremely unstable, it went a lot better. it was still stressful but i had the mental stability and maturity to just be able to handle myself better.

and then 2024 started and i didn't actually have any classes left to do for the first semester, so instead i wound up getting an invitation from one of my professors to be an assistant for one of her classes. which i didn't hesitate at all to accept because fun fact i really want to be a teacher in the future.

it was actually a pretty solid semester of helping with classes and getting to know some of the students, i truly did have a lot of fun with that (i even got to reconnect with former classmates from 2019) sooo... that was cool! all that did get cut a short a little bit earlier because of something else i got to do...

but i'1l get to that later! after the first semester of 2024, i now have Actual Classes again for the second semester (but only two) and it's been going pretty smoothly. mostly because i already kind of know everything that's being teached in those two classes and i just kind of get to have a free ego boost by talking about what i know. sorry. it is exactly what i needed right before i graduate.

stuff that's cooler than college

aside from finally being out of the college trenches when this year ends, i also got to do a lot more fun things related to personal interests. one of the highlights of this year for me was joining a semi-public minecraft server on impulse and accidentally getting myself an entire new group of friends i enjoy to talk to.

a pixel gif of a frog

i had a big reawakening of my interest in minecraft youtube last year, and all of that kind of ended up leading me into following a few blogs on tumblr for the QSMP. (because i fell into an obsession with that after brazilian creators were added) and from that i caught wind of a semi-public server for the tumblr qsmp community...

keep in mind, i didn't Post about QSMP much at all. nor did i even really indicate anywhere that i cared about it a lot? there were maybe a few reblogs on my main tumblr related to it, and despite it all i still messaged the owner of the server if i could join their discord. and they said yea!

from there i just kind roamed around lost for the first few days in qblrsmp (narrowly avoiding embarrassing deaths a few times) just kind of wondering if i would even care about the server That much. well the universe proved to me that i Would very quickly, cuz in one of my wandering sessions i stumbled upon a little village by the snow and two players chatting with each other.

i hopped into that conversation kind of shamelessly but it worked out because within a few minutes they asked if i wanted to live nearby! and i said yea sure! now i was part of tonmy's family village! and from there i just kind of starting meeting more and more people involved with that corner of the server.

an illustration of a girl with dark curly hair, a dark outfit with a yellow scarf and and bee wings and antenna holding up a diamond hoe right next to a small egg with legs wearing a frog hat

my qblr character (sunny) and tonmy the egg.

the server reached its end earlier in august, but i still actively talk to a lot of people i met in it, and i'm actually so happy to have met a lot of new and fun people on complete chance. we even have a d&d campaign now. :D

a screenshot of a minecraft house in a snow biome

an old screenshot of my qblr house while it was being built.

honestly, this post is starting to get extremely long. which is ok because even though i have More to talk about in relation to this year, i'd actually like to dedicate an entire post to some of that. so i guess this post is good enough like this!! well.


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