It's Fun To Play Pretend (In Minecraft)

July 26th 2023

So, I'm still utilizing this blog for essentially any string of thoughts that passes by my head, as the universe intended for neocities. This one's shorter, it's just a ramble.

Recently I've picked up the habit of roleplaying with friends again, and genuinely it is one of the greatest sources of joy a person can have to play pretend with your silly little OCs along with the squad.

We have a few Discord servers with specific worlds to roleplay in, but unironically one of the most fun contexts to roleplay in is Minecraft, yeah, I'm serious.

If you have an OC, think about them. Do it. Now imagine how they'd react if they were shoved into the world of Minecraft right out of their source with no warning at all. Yeah, that's funny, and that's what we're doing.

It is genuinely so fun to just explore as many scenarios as possible as your own character having to now survive in a blocky wasteland with other people they've never interacted with before from completely different worlds.

I really do recommend it, if you already like roleplaying with OCs, call your pals on Discord, start up a Minecraft server, try this.

I don't know how to end this post so have a photo of one of our Minecraft worlds.



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