Little Vague Memories are a custom species of creature to serve as a type of "virtual pet" that anyone can create to keep of their own, whether it is as a character or a little buddy you put somewhere into your own website.

As a concept they're very simple, Little Vague Memories are exactly what it says on the label, they are little manifestations of your fond memories into a little guy you can care for.


They aren't complex in appearance, and usually just resemble vaguely the source of their creation, whether that is an old childhood pet, a subject of interest, a location you're fond of, an old toy, anything goes.

They will often come in just a solid color, but may feature accents with a separate color.

Their communication skills vary, and mostly reflects the subject of the memory they're created from. (A vague memory of a dog usually only barks, etc.)

There isn't much more to them than this, and anyone is free to create their very own Little Vague Memory!

If you are interested in or have made your own and are putting it anywhere on the internet, tell me about it! You can do so through my Guestbook or any social media I have!